在 JavaScript 中对具有最后一个 NULL 值的数组进行排序

在 JavaScript 中对 NULL 值排在最后的数组进行排序

Sort an Array with NULL values coming last in JavaScript

要对 NULL 值排在最后的数组进行排序:

  1. 调用sort()数组上的方法,向其传递一个函数。
  2. 该函数定义排序顺序。
  3. null最后对值进行排序。
const arr = ['c', null, 'z', null, 'b', null, 'a']; // ✅ Sort Ascending (low to high) const sortedAsc = arr.sort((a, b) => { if (a === null) { return 1; } if (b === null) { return -1; } if (a === b) { return 0; } return a < b ? -1 : 1; }); console.log(sortedAsc); // 👉️ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', null, null, null]


const arr = ['c', null, 'z', null, 'b', null, 'a']; // ✅ Sort Descending (high to low) const sortedDesc = arr.sort((a, b) => { if (a === null) { return 1; } if (b === null) { return -1; } if (a === b) { return 0; } return a < b ? 1 : -1; }); console.log(sortedDesc); // 👉️ ['z', 'c', 'b', 'a', null, null, null]


const arr = ['c', null, 'z', null, 'b', null, 'a']; const sortedAsc = arr.sort((a, b) => { if (a === null) { return 1; } if (b === null) { return -1; } if (a === b) { return 0; } return a < b ? -1 : 1; }); console.log(sortedAsc); // 👉️ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', null, null, null] // 👇️ (Original array also changed) console.log(arr); // 👉️ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', null, null, null]

对 NULL 值排在最后的数组进行排序,没有突变

如果您想对数组进行排序而不改变它,请在调用该方法之前使用扩展语法 (…) 创建一个浅表副本sort()

const arr = ['c', null, 'z', null, 'b', null, 'a']; // 👇️ create shallow copy before calling sort() const sortedAsc = [...arr].sort((a, b) => { if (a === null) { return 1; } if (b === null) { return -1; } if (a === b) { return 0; } return a < b ? -1 : 1; }); console.log(sortedAsc); // 👉️ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', null, null, null] console.log(arr); // 👉️ ['c', null, 'z', null, 'b', null, 'a']

扩展语法 (…)将数组的值解压缩到一个新数组中sort



const arr = ['c', null, 'z', null, 'b', null, 'a']; const sortedAsc = arr.sort((a, b) => { if (a === null) { return 1; } if (b === null) { return -1; } if (a === b) { return 0; } return a < b ? -1 : 1; }); console.log(sortedAsc); // 👉️ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', null, null, null]


  • 如果比较函数的返回值大于0,则b

  • If the return value of the compare function is less than 0, then sort a
    before b.

  • If the return value of the compare function is equal to 0, keep the original
    order of a and b.

In our example, this translates to:

  • If a has a value of null, we return 1 and therefore sort b before a.

  • If b has a value of null, we return -1 and sort a before b.

  • If a and b are equal, we return 0 to keep the original order of a and

  • Otherwise, we check if a is less than b and return -1, else we return

# Sort an Array with NULL values coming last in descending order

All you have to do to change the order to descending is change the last line in
the callback function.

const arr = ['c', null, 'z', null, 'b', null, 'a']; const sortedDesc = arr.sort((a, b) => { if (a === null) { return 1; } if (b === null) { return -1; } if (a === b) { return 0; } return a < b ? 1 : -1; }); console.log(sortedDesc); // 👉️ ['z', 'c', 'b', 'a', null, null, null]

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following