我想通过 Docker 容器内配置的 VPN运行扫描。我正在使用镜像,容器正确启动。在另一个 Docker 容器内运行 Nuclei 扫描时,它可以通过以下命令通过 VPN 正确运行:docker run --rm --net=container:vpn projectdiscovery/nuclei:latest -l targets.txt。但是,我现在想在本地(Docker 之外)执行 Nuclei,我想使用选项-i来选择网络接口。我的目标是运行类似以下内容的程序:

nuclei -i wg0 -l targets.txt

VPN 容器创建了wg0接口,但只能在 docker 内部访问。当我执行ip a命令时,我看不到该wg0接口。我如何从 Docker 容器外部访问该接口?

以下是 VPN 的 Docker Compose 配置:

        image: thrnz/docker-wireguard-pia
        container_name: vpn
            # Auth token is stored here
            - pia:/pia
            # If enabled, the forwarded port is dumped to /pia-shared/port.dat for potential use in other containers
            - pia-shared:/pia-shared
            # If the kernel module isn't available, mounting the tun device may be necessary for userspace implementations
            - /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun
            - NET_ADMIN
            # SYS_MODULE might not be needed with a 5.6+ kernel?
            - SYS_MODULE
            # The following env vars are required:
            - LOC=spain
            - USER=${PIA_USERNAME}
            - PASS=${PIA_PASSWORD}
            # The rest are optional:
            # - LOCAL_NETWORK=
            #- KEEPALIVE=25
            #- VPNDNS=,
            #- PORT_FORWARDING=1
            # The wg-quick script tries to set this when setting up routing, however this requires running the container
            # with the --privileged flag set. Setting it here instead if needed means the container can be run with lower
            # privileges. This only needs setting if strict reverse path filtering (rp_filter=1) is used.
            - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
            # May as well disable ipv6. Should be blocked anyway.
            - net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
            - net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
            - net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1
        # The container has no recovery logic. Use a healthcheck to catch disconnects.
            test: ping -c 1 www.google.com || exit 1
            interval: 30s
            timeout: 10s
            retries: 3
        restart: always


  • --net=host除非 (a) 你用它运行(因此它共享主机命名空间)并且 (b) 使用额外的权限运行它(--cap-add net_admin应该足够),否则容器无法将接口注入主机。
