在 Python 中打印列表列表


Print a list of lists on separate lines in Python

  1. 在 Python 中的不同行上打印列表列表
  2. 通过在 Python 中格式化每一行来打印列表列表
  3. 在 Python 中以表格格式打印列表列表
  4. 通过使用分隔符连接每个子列表的元素来打印列表列表

在 Python 中的不同行上打印列表列表


  1. 使用for循环遍历列表。
  2. 使用可迭代的解包操作符来解包每个子列表的项目。
  3. 使用print()函数打印结果。
list_of_lists = [ [1, 'alice'], [2, 'bobbyhadz'], [3, 'carl'], ] for sublist in list_of_lists: # 1 alice # 2 bobbyhadz # 3 carl print(*sublist)



list_of_lists = [ [1, 'alice'], [2, 'bobbyhadz'], [3, 'carl'], ] for sublist in list_of_lists: # alice # bobbyhadz # carl print(sublist[1])

通过在 Python 中格式化每一行来打印列表列表


list_of_lists = [ [1, 'alice'], [2, 'bobbyhadz'], [3, 'carl'], ] for sublist in list_of_lists: # id: 1 | name: alice # id: 2 | name: bobbyhadz # id: 3 | name: carl print(f'id: {sublist[0]} | name: {sublist[1]}')
格式化字符串文字 (f-strings) 让我们通过在字符串前加上f.
var1 = 'bobby' var2 = 'hadz' result = f'{var1}{var2}' print(result) # 👉️ bobbyhadz

确保将表达式括在大括号 –{expression}中。

在 Python 中以表格格式打印列表列表


headers = [ 'ID', 'Name', 'Country' ] list_of_lists = [ [1, 'alice', 'Austria'], [2, 'bobbyhadz', 'Bulgaria'], [3, 'carl', 'Canada'], ] print(f'{headers[0]: <10}{headers[1]: <15}{headers[2]}') # ID Name Country # 1 alice Austria # 2 bobbyhadz Bulgaria # 3 carl Canada for row in list_of_lists: print(f'{row[0]: <10}{row[1]: <15}{row[2]}')

Formatted string literals also enable us to use the
format-specific mini-language
in expression blocks.

my_str = 'hi' # 👇️ left-aligned result = f'{my_str: <6}' print(repr(result)) # 👉️ 'hi ' # 👇️ right-aligned result = f'{my_str: >6}' print(repr(result)) # 👉️ ' hi'

The space between the colon and the less-than sign is the fill character.

The less-than or greater-than sign is the alignment.

The less-than sign aligns the string to the left and the greater-than sign aligns the string to the right.

We first format and print the headers and then iterate over the list and print
each row.

Print a List of Lists by joining the elements of each sublist with a delimiter #

You can use the str.join() method if you need to join the elements of each
sublist with a delimiter.

list_of_lists = [ [1, 'alice'], [2, 'bobbyhadz'], [3, 'carl'], ] # 1, alice # 2, bobbyhadz # 3, carl for sublist in list_of_lists: result = ', '.join(str(item) for item in sublist) print(result)

The str.join method
takes an iterable as an argument and returns a string which is the concatenation
of the strings in the iterable.

Note that the method raises a TypeError if there are any non-string values in the iterable.

If your iterable contains numbers or other types, convert all of the values to
strings before calling join().

The string the method is called on is used as the separator between the

We used a comma and a space (, ) in the example, but you can use any other

If you need to join the list of lists into a string that contains newline (\n)
characters, use two calls to the str.join() method.

list_of_lists = [ [1, 'alice'], [2, 'bobbyhadz'], [3, 'carl'], ] result = '\n'.join(' '.join(str(item) for item in sublist) for sublist in list_of_lists) # 1 alice # 2 bobbyhadz # 3 carl print(result)
The inner call to the join() method joins the elements of the sublist of the current iteration.

We used a space separator when joining the elements of each sublist, but you can
use any other delimiter.


最后一步是使用该join()方法将列表中的子列表连接成一个字符串,以换行符 ( \n) 字符分隔符。
