声明一个在 TypeScript 中抛出错误的函数

在 TypeScript 中声明一个抛出错误的函数

Declare a function that throws an Error in TypeScript

要声明抛出错误的函数,请将其返回类型设置为never. never类型用于从不返回值的函数,换句话说,就是抛出异常或终止程序执行的函数。

// 👇️ function throwErr(): never function throwErr(): never { throw new Error('Something went wrong'); }

类型在 TypeScript 中很少使用


  1. 函数抛出错误
  2. 函数无限循环

如果我们没有显式键入函数的返回值,TypeScript 会将其推断为void.

// 👇️ function throwErr(): void function throwErr() { throw new Error('Something went wrong'); }

void之间的区别在于void用于不返回任何内容(或 return

如果我们不小心从一个返回类型为 的函数返回一个值


很少需要将函数的返回类型设置为never. 例如,如果函数仅在某些时候抛出错误,则不应将其返回类型设置为never.

function sometimesThrow(): number { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { return 100; } throw new Error('Something went wrong'); } // 👇️ const result: number const result = sometimesThrow(); console.log(result.toFixed());

The function in the example above returns a number some of the time, and
throws an error on some invocations.

You could use a
union type
to set its value to number or never.

function sometimesThrow(): number | never { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { return 100; } throw new Error('Something went wrong'); } // 👇️ const result: number const result = sometimesThrow(); console.log(result.toFixed());

But this is only useful to inform your colleagues that the function might throw
an error.

Notice that the result variable is still typed as a number even though we set the function’s return type to number | never.

This is because every other type absorbs never in a union type.

// 👇️ type T = number type T = number | never;

Notice that number | never is simplified to number. This is the case when
using never with any other type in a union.

You could be explicit and set the function’s return type to number | never, because that would indicate to your colleagues that the function might throw an unhandled error and they might have to wrap the invocation in a try/catch statement.

However, this doesn’t technically influence the function’s return type.

It should also be noted that there isn’t a way for you to distinguish the type
of error a function throws.

For example, if you have a class CustomError that extends from Error,
there’s no way for you to tell TypeScript that your function throws a
CustomError instead of an Error.

If you set the function’s return type to CustomError, this means that the
function will return (and not throw) a value typed as CustomError.