从 React.js 中的文件导出多个组件

从 React.js 中的文件导出多个组件

Export multiple components from a file in React.js

在 React 中使用命名导出导出多个组件,例如
export function A() {}export function B() {}. 可以使用命名的 import as 导入导出的组件
import {A, B} from './another-file'您可以在单个文件中根据需要拥有尽可能多的命名导出。


// 👇️ named export export function SmallButton() { return <button>Small</button>; } // 👇️ named export export function BigButton() { return <button style={{padding: '20px 40px'}}>Big</button>; }


function SmallButton() { return <button>Small</button>; } function BigButton() { return <button style={{padding: '20px 40px'}}>Big</button>; } // 👇️ named exports export {SmallButton, BigButton};

Either of the 2 approaches can be used when exporting class components, e.g.
export class A{}.

Here is how we would import the components in a file called App.js.

// 👇️ named imports import {SmallButton, BigButton} from './Buttons'; export default function App() { return ( <div> <SmallButton /> <BigButton /> </div> ); }

Make sure to correct the path that points to the Buttons.js module if you have
to. The example above assumes that Buttons.js and App.js are located in the
same directory.

For example, if you were importing from one directory up, you would do
import {SmallButton, BigButton} from '../Buttons'.

We wrapped the names of the function components in curly braces when importing them – this is called a named import.

The import/export syntax is called
ES6 Modules
in JavaScript.

In order to be able to import a component from a different file, it has to be exported using a named or default export.

The example above uses named exports and named imports.

The main difference between named and default exports and imports is – you can
have multiple named exports per file, but you can only have a single default

If you try to use multiple default exports in a single file, you would get an

// ⛔️ Only one default export allowed per module. export default function SmallButton() { return <button>Small</button>; } const BigButton = () => { return <button style={{padding: '20px 40px'}}>Big</button>; } export default BigButton;

IMPORTANT: If you are exporting a variable (or an arrow function) as a
default export, you have to declare it on 1 line and export it on the next. You
can’t declare and default export a variable on the same line.

Having said that, you can use 1 default export and as many named exports as you need in a single file.

Let’s look at an example that exports multiple components and uses both –
default and named exports.

// 👇️ default export export default function SmallButton() { return <button>Small</button>; } // 👇️ named export export const BigButton = () => { return <button style={{padding: '20px 40px'}}>Big</button>; };

And here is how you would import the two components.

// 👇️ default and named imports import SmallButton, {BigButton} from './Buttons'; export default function App() { return ( <div> <SmallButton /> <BigButton /> </div> ); }

Notice that we didn’t wrap the default import in curly braces.



根据我的经验,大多数真实世界的代码库都专门使用命名导出和导入,因为它们可以更轻松地利用 IDE 进行自动完成和自动导入。
