在 React 中使用 Ref 获取元素的宽度

在 React 中使用 Ref 获取元素的宽度

Get the Width of an Element using a Ref in React

在 React 中使用 ref 获取元素的宽度:

  1. ref在元素上设置道具。
  2. useLayoutEffect挂钩中,更新宽度的状态变量。
  3. 使用该offsetWidth属性获取元素的宽度。
import {useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react'; export default function App() { const ref = useRef(null); const [width, setWidth] = useState(0); const [height, setHeight] = useState(0); useLayoutEffect(() => { setWidth(ref.current.offsetWidth); setHeight(ref.current.offsetHeight); }, []); return ( <div ref={ref}> <h2>Width: {width}</h2> <h2>Height: {height}</h2> </div> ); }

useRef ()钩子可以传递一个初始值作为参数。该钩子返回一个可变的 ref 对象,其.current属性被初始化为传递的参数。

Notice that we have to access the current property on the ref object to get access to the div element on which we set the ref prop.

When we pass a ref prop to an element, e.g. <div ref={myRef} />, React sets
the .current property of the ref object to the corresponding DOM node.

We passed an empty dependencies array to the
hook, so it’s only going to run when the component mounts.

useLayoutEffect(() => { setWidth(ref.current.offsetWidth); setHeight(ref.current.offsetHeight); }, []);

The useLayoutEffect hook is identical to useEffect, but fires synchronously
after all DOM mutations.

The useLayoutEffect hook is often used to read layout from the DOM.

We used the useLayoutEffect hook because we need to wait for the ref to be
set on the element and for the element to get rendered before accessing its
offsetHeight and offsetWidth properties.

property returns the width of the element in pixels, including any borders,
padding and vertical scrollbars (if present).

property returns the height of the element in pixels, including vertical padding
and borders.

Alternatively, you can use the
property, which returns the width of the element in pixels, including padding
but excluding borders, margins and vertical scrollbars (if present).

useLayoutEffect(() => { setWidth(ref.current.clientWidth); setHeight(ref.current.clientHeight); }, []);