React 中的字符串插值(附示例)

React 中的字符串插值(附示例)

String Interpolation in React (with examples)

在 React 中使用模板文字进行字符串插值,例如
<div className={text-white ${myClass} }>模板文字用反引号分隔,并允许我们使用美元符号和花括号${expression}

import './App.css'; export default function App() { const myClass = 'bg-salmon'; const name = 'James Doe'; const num = 30; return ( <div> <div className={`text-white ${myClass}`}>Some content here</div> <br /> <div className={`text-white ${'hi'.length === 2 ? 'bg-salmon' : ''}`}> Some content here </div> <h2>Hello {name}</h2> <h2 style={{ padding: `${num + num}px`, backgroundColor: 'lime', }} > 30 + 30 = {num + num} </h2> </div> ); }

这是示例的 CSS。

.bg-salmon { background-color: salmon; } .text-white { color: white; }



请注意,字符串包含在反引号 “ 中,而不是单引号中。


<div className={`text-white ${myClass}`}>Some content here</div> <div className={`text-white ${'hi'.length === 2 ? 'bg-salmon' : ''}`}> Some content here </div>

The curly braces we wrapped the template literal in mark the beginning of an
expression that has to be evaluated.

The code between the opening an closing curly brace is just JavaScript, so any variable or expression we use in our template literals will get evaluated.

When you want to render a variable or expression in your JSX code, you have to
wrap it in curly braces.

<h2>Hello {name}</h2>

You can also use template literals outside of your JSX code.

const num = 50; const result = `${num + 50} percent`; console.log(result); // 👉️ 100 percent

By default, the template literal concatenates the parts into a string.

You can also interpolate variables in multi-line strings using a template

const color1 = 'red'; const color2 = 'blue'; const poem = `roses are ${color1} violets are ${color2}`; console.log(poem); // 👉️ roses are red // 👉️ violets are blue

This is very useful because we don’t have to add a newline character on each
line, as opposed to when concatenating strings.

You can even call functions in template literals.

import './App.css'; export default function App() { const subtract = (a, b) => { return a - b; }; const myClass = 'bg-salmon'; const num = 30; return ( <div> <div style={{fontSize: `${subtract(60, 20)}px`}} className={`padding-${subtract(100, 80)} text-white ${myClass}`} > Some content here </div> </div> ); }

Here’s an example of using the
ternary operator
with template literals.

const color1 = 'blue'; const color2 = 'red'; const result = `${color1.length > color2.length ? color1 : color2}`; console.log(result); // 👉️ blue

The ternary operator is basically an if/else statement. The part before the
question mark gets evaluated and if it returns a truthy value, the operator
returns the value before the colon, otherwise it returns the value after the

import './App.css'; export default function App() { return ( <div> <div className={`text-white ${'hi'.length === 2 ? 'bg-salmon' : ''}`}> Some content here </div> </div> ); }

The ternary operator in the example checks if the length of the string hi is
equal to 2 and if it is, it returns the string bg-salmon, otherwise an empty
string is returned.

You can also use the logical OR (||) and logical AND (&&) operators in a
template literal.

const num1 = 0; const num2 = 100; const result = `${num1 || num2}`; console.log(result); // 👉️ 100

The logical OR (||) operator returns the value to the left if it’s truthy,
otherwise it returns the value to the right.

下面是对模板文字使用逻辑与 (&&) 运算符的示例。

const bool = true; const str = 'hello'; const result = `${bool && str}`; console.log(result); // 👉️ hello

逻辑与 (&&) 运算符如果为假,则返回左侧的值,否则返回右侧的值。