我今天对我的应用程序进行了一些压力测试,我发现我的服务器响应时间很难处理几个用户。一个用户的响应时间约为 6 秒。三个用户接近 20 秒,十个用户超过 30 秒。我开始在后端添加一些日志以尝试找到瓶颈。我正在跟踪请求的开始时间和结束时间,看起来无论是测试一个用户还是十个用户,我的日志都显示总计算时间约为 5 秒。但是我的前端显示用户越多延迟就越大。

[62d44229] Response ready at: 7.769sNov 1 07:05:52 PM[62d44229] Response sent at: 7.769sNov 1 07:05:52 PMINFO: - "POST /generate_search_ideas HTTP/1.1" 200 OKNov 1 07:05:52 PM[POST]200torsera-dev.onrender.com/generate_search_ideasclientIP="" requestID="9b03e306-0a41-454b" responseTimeMS=16051 responseBytes=843 userAgent="python-requests/2.32.3"

7.769s 来自我的后端日志,而显示 16s 的 [POST] 日志responseTimeMS是服务器请求日志。

我的服务器内存和 CPU 使用率都相对较低。所以我想知道延迟的原因是什么。




async def generate_search_ideas(request: Request, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    start = time.time()
    request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
    print(f"[{request_id}] Request received at: {start}")
    # Retrieve the session cookie from the request
    session_cookie = request.cookies.get('session')
    # If no session cookie is present, raise an Unauthorized error
    if not session_cookie:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail='Unauthorized')

        # Verify the session cookie and check if it has been revoked
        decoded_claims = auth.verify_session_cookie(session_cookie, check_revoked=True)
        # Extract the user_id from the decoded claims
        user_id = decoded_claims['user_id']
    except auth.InvalidSessionCookieError:
        # If the session cookie is invalid, raise an Unauthorized error
        raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail='Unauthorized')

        data = await request.json()
        print(f"[{request_id}] Request parsed at: {time.time() - start:.3f}s")
        userInput = data['userInput']
        systemPrompt = "You are helpful and assist by generating related ideas for brainstorming."
        # Time the LLM calls
        llm_start = time.time()
        isFiction = await isFictionRelated(userInput)
        print(f"[{request_id}] Fiction check completed at: {time.time() - start:.3f}s")
        modifiedUserInput = userInput + " Unconventional ideas please." if isFiction else userInput
        initialIdeas = await fetchIdeas(modifiedUserInput, systemPrompt)
        print(f"[{request_id}] Initial ideas fetched at: {time.time() - start:.3f}s")
        Time waiting for LLM: {time.time() - llm_start}
        Total request time: {time.time() - start}
        validInitialIdeas = list(filter(filterShortIdeas, initialIdeas))
        targetIdeaCount = 6

        if len(validInitialIdeas) < targetIdeaCount:
            additionalIdeas = await generateAdditionalIdeas(modifiedUserInput, validInitialIdeas, targetIdeaCount - len(validInitialIdeas))
            validAdditionalIdeas = list(filter(filterShortIdeas, additionalIdeas))
            allIdeas = validInitialIdeas + validAdditionalIdeas
            return JSONResponse(content= allIdeas, status_code=200)
            print(f"[{request_id}] Response ready at: {time.time() - start:.3f}s")
            response = JSONResponse(content=validInitialIdeas, status_code=200)
            print(f"[{request_id}] Response sent at: {time.time() - start:.3f}s")
            return response
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error generating search ideas: {str(e)}")
        raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"An error occurred while generating search ideas: {str(e)}")

返回数据后,我的最终打印语句print(f"[{request_id}] Response sent at: {time.time() - start:.3f}s")表明总运行时间约为 7 秒,但我的前端表明它已等待近 16 秒。


  • 速度缓慢主要是由于您的应用程序代码所致。如果没有关于应用程序的更多详细信息,就无法提供任何进一步的见解。


  • 嗨@TeroKilkanen 我的代码会跟踪运行所需的总时间,因此我不认为速度缓慢的原因就在于此。我会将我正在测试的函数包含在代码中。但需要注意的是,控制台显示总计算时间约为 7 秒,而我的前端显示等待时间为 16 秒。


  • 也许您应该尝试在上进行代码优化。
